Even if you’re prone to perfectionism, procrastination and self doubt.

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Here’s why it’s so hard to become prolific:

Perfection Paralysis

A lot of people approach music by trying to make every track a masterpiece. The track that get’s them a release or suddenly catapults them into a place where whey can repeatedly write masterpieces.
This often happens due to a FEAR OF REJECTION. The idea that finishing anything other than an amazing track somehow proves to them and everyone else that they’re not good enough. That they’re not creative enough or they just don’t feel the music.
It’s a shame because they’re going round in circles. Abandoning tracks, because they get so far in and then realise it doesn’t sound as good as a pro track they are using as a reference.
The more time goes by, the more they feel they should be able to write a great track, to match the amount of time they’ve been spending in the studio. It’s a vicious circle: expectations are going up, intensifying the pressure, and making it harder to do the one thing that takes the pressure off: FINISHING MUSIC.
This is ‘perfection paralysis’ and it’s crazy because you’re just never going to write a great track with no experience of finishing tracks!

Overwhelm Meltdown

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of the skills, tools and sounds you have to develop and learn as a music producer
 you’re not alone!
When you think about the complexities of music production, it’s completely overwhelming.
Here are just a few: Sound Design, Mixdown, Arrangement, Theme Development, Sampling, Groove Creation, Bass Programming, Music Theory etc
And that’s before you even step out of the studio and consider: Acquiring feedback, Label Submissions, Building Contacts, Promotion, Performance

The moment you decide to become a music producer there is information coming at you from every angle and you get caught up in a tornado of uncertainty. (am I doing the right thing? what should I focus on? what tools do I need for my sound?)
The good news is that narrowing your focus to the 80/20, the 20% of information that get you 80% of the results, makes everything much less stressful and ensures you make much FASTER PROGRESS.

Going it alone

Many people try to tackle the complexities of music production on their own, using a hit and hope strategy to try and find the best ways to improve their music.
This is the SLOW WAY TO DO THINGS. Constantly second guessing your decisions and lacking in confidence that the music you are creating really is any good.
Yes, there are long hours working, isolated in the studio, lost in the process of creation
 but, with the internet it’s madness to slog away at everything on your own.
We are all terrible judges of our own music and having people around who will give you high quality feedback on your tracks and highlight the most valuable skills for you to work on is worth it’s weight in gold.
Every successful producer surrounds themselves with people pushing towards the same goals and SO SHOULD YOU!

Running out of time

A mental block that stops a lot of people from taking action is the thought that they are running out of time. They feel they should be further along by now and there isn’t enough time to achieve their goals in music.
It’s easy to let these thoughts creep in especially if they’re seeing no progress or slow progress. It’s very deflating and demotivating.
The fact is, you can go from SLOW progress to lightning FAST progress in a matter of weeks. With the right approach to your music it’s very achievable to transition from a place of real struggle and frustration to releasing tracks in less than 6 months.
And if you’re someone who finds themselves saying ”I’m too busy. I have too many other commitments or I’ll start taking music seriously when I have more time”

Know this: later usually becomes never. If you’re busy that’s a great thing, because busy people get the most done.
You can achieve huge amounts by working smart and having the right strategy.


The Finish More Music System

The only system to help you escape overwhelm, become prolific and build a quality portfolio of music ready to send to labels

The FMM Curriculum is broken down into 3 Phases

This phase is all about creating the initial spark to get you moving forward. Expect to make massive progress and start finishing and sharing your music for feedback.
  • Part 1- The Power of Process: “Creativity is not a talent. it’s a way of operating”. Build the routines, habits and mindsets of pro producers, push past procrastination, fear and perfectionism, create the perfect base on which to become prolific.
  • Part 2- The Production Formula: A streamlined workflow that breaks down the process of building a track into manageable chunks. Gain clear direction at every stage of the production process whilst massively reducing stress and overwhelm.
  • Part 3 - Theme Development & Arrangement: Discover the 4 Part Creative Process and the 6 methods for generating themes in your music. Gain clarity on how to develop your ideas into full arrangements.
  • Part 4 - Mixdown 80/20: Powerful hacks for quickly finishing your mixdown without getting bogged down in the details. Get 80% of the results for 20% of the time and effort.
  • Part 5 - Feedback & Finalise: Receive insightful and actionable feedback on your music. Discover the most important aspects of your tracks to work on for the fastest improvements.

In this phase, expect to see huge jumps in your confidence and productivity in a very short space of time. When you start finishing your tracks a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders and you get a real buzz about being in the studio.

In this phase, you’ll learn how to build on the momentum created in the Ignite Phase to become a prolific underground music producer. Expect to optimise your workflow and tools, and master the key skill that most producers struggle with: the arrangement.
  • Part 1 - Prepare to Grow: Understand the powerful concept of flow state and how to move into the optimal state of peak performance. An artist's best tracks are typically written in this state.
  • Part 2 - Seed Concept: Create and develop the perfect library of sounds and tools for your genre. Avoid overwhelm and endless preset surfing that kills creativity and drains the enjoyment from writing a track.
  • Part 3 - High Impact Arrangement: Level up your arrangement skills with energy shifting, automation, structural development, tension and release, transitions, incidental effects and climaxes that take the roof off in a club.
  • Part 4 - Workflow Optimisation: Tried and tested techniques for overcoming frustrating blocks in your production process. Creativity loves speed and any bottlenecks in your workflow will kill your enthusiasm for a track very quickly.

When you complete this phase you will be consistently finishing your tracks and starting to define your musical direction as a producer.

In this phase you will build the individual skills that most impact the quality of your music and move you towards releasing your tracks.
  • Part 1 - Accelerated Growth: “What can't be measured can’t be improved”. Identify the biggest wholes in your production game and continuously improve to reach the level you aspire to.
  • Part 2 - Mindset for Success: You’ll learn how to overcome new mindset challenges that come from hitting quality plateaus, creative ruts and from the external expectations of releasing your music on labels.
  • Part 3: Up Skilling: I’ll give you techniques for identifying the most important areas in which to up-skill. You can then dive into the FMM Techniques Library or choose other sources to study that give you the biggest steps forward.

This phase is a continuous cycle where you focus on your growth as a music producer to reach the levels you aspire to. FMM provides the complete solution and environment to facilitate this for you.

Join FMM Today

Just $69 p/month

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I’ve spent years developing and perfecting the most complete, proven method that gets results

 I’m Keith Mills

A mentor, music producer, ghost writer, product specialist and founder of Finish More Music, a market-leading music school.

I’ve spent the last 13 years helping music producers who are unhappy with their results turn into high performers.

My ethos is on working smarter, not harder, in order to take the biggest steps towards your music goals.

The Finish More Music system takes my experience of working with thousands of music producers and distills it down into the essential strategies and workflows that make all the difference to a music producer’s success. I pride myself on making things simple and clear and Finish More Music is about driving you forward with a clear, step by step path that leverages your existing knowledge and skills and gets you realising your potential to finish better and better tracks.



We hold monthly Masterclasses on a range of hot topics followed by a LIVE Q&A session to get all your questions answered. Recent topics include:

  • Flow State Masterclass
  • Sound Design Masterclass
  • Bass Programming Masterclass
  • Track Analysis Masterclass
  • Drum Programming Masterclass
  • Mark Jenkyns Production Masterclass

Plus much, much more

I just watched the mastermind call, where Keith goes over the bass effects techniques. I’m pumped to try them out in my next tracks. Absolutely brilliant!

James Dyer


In-depth discussions with professional DJ’s and Producers who share their knowledge on everything from the music business to their mindset, production hacks and workflows. Pro’s featured:

  • John 00 Fleming
  • Shlomi Aber
  • Mark Jenkyns
  • Phase
  • Claude Young Jr

Plus many more

Top Interview! These guys are giving so much valuable information. I listen to them during my day job and every time it makes me want to head back to the studio ASAP.

Clement Bertrand

Meet the HEART of the FMM Membership

Our Content-Rich ‘Private’ Community is where the REAL Magic Happens!

The private FMM community is THE best place to be if you want real-time advice, encouragement, and accountability to help you reach your goals.

If you want to fly with the eagles,
don’t hang with the crows

Every top producer surrounds themselves with like minded peers who motivate and inspire them, pick them up when they are stuck and give them vital feedback on their music . The hundreds of FMM members are the people to surround yourself with.

No time-wasting, mindless chit-chat. Our community is monitored daily to ensure you only find high quality, relevant content and quickly get all of your questions answered.

The FMM Community is the most supportive, welcoming and
productive place for underground music producers online.


Every month inside we host a Members Track Event.

Upload your music and receive feedback from members all over the world who are working on different genres.

Receiving specific, constructive advice on your music is the fastest way to learn and improve.

Many members cite the event as a key reason why they improved
so quickly and start releasing their tracks.



Rather than fire your music out and hope that you get a response, we’ve teamed up with labels spanning a range of genres and we’ll submit your music for you. We’ll help you write your bio and intro message so you know it’s on point. And all of our labels deliver a quick turn around and provide feedback on your music.

And when you do get your music signed, we’ll promote it for you. Because it’s so important that you spend your valuable time on the most important thing: YOUR MUSIC.

My track has been snapped up for release! A huge thank you to Team FMM, they always go way beyond their duty to give us the chance to be heard.

Andy Collins


We facilitate different Projects every
quarter for our members to work on.

We keep every finished project in a massive template library
and upon joining today, you’ll immediately have access to
hundreds of project files where you can learn how other
people build their tracks in the genres you like


You will have the opportunity to collaborate with other producers and learn new skills, new methods of working and build strong contacts.

We always ensure the projects are a lot of fun because
playing is an important part of the creative mindset!

Join FMM Today

Just $69 p/month

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CLICK HERE TO SAVE $231 when you upgrade to the Annual Plan


In-Person and Virtual Events

We regularly facilitate virtual meetings so you can connect on a deeper level with like minded producers. And once per year, we put together an exclusive In Person Meet Up where the whole FMM Family gets together for an unforgettable night.







Every Member of FMM also gets some

Special Gifts

The FMM System will completely transform the way you approach your music. But that’s only the beginning.

When you become a member of Finish More Music, you also get 3 HUGE Bonus Bundles to make your progress even faster and easier!

Gift #1
Value $497

The Ultimate Guide to
Arrangement Video Course

There is a lot more to arrangement than you imagine
 master it and separate your tracks from the crowd

  • Structural Forms & Hybrids A library of frameworks to transform your ideas into full arrangements
  • The 3 Key Principles Of Arrangement Core concepts that separate the strongest from the weakest arrangements
  • Energy & Tension Flows Essential knowledge for adding excitement, intensity and expectation to your tracks
  • Contrast & Detail The hidden techniques that make the different between captivating and stale/boring tracks
  • Points Of Climax Creating the moments of maximal intensity and tension to explode the dance floor
  • Adding Suspense The secret sauce that grabs your listeners attention and makes them want to hear more
  • Transitions Master the art of joining any sections together, with as much or as little impact as you need
  • Arrangement Workflows Find the arrangement style that ‘clicks’ with you and makes the process engaging and enjoyable
Gift #2
Value $147

High Impact Sound
Design Course

This is a course based on 80/20 concept for sound selection and sound design. By understanding your library and having basic sound design skills you can quickly build sounds that will fit in your track without getting endlessly lost in parameter tweaking.

The focus of this course is on step by step, logical learning in the environment of writing music. Expect to find core synthesis knowledge combined with practical suggestions of how to implement sound design into your creative flow.

  • Understand that sounds must have a purpose & place in your track and how to transform the emotions you want to convey and the story you want to tell into characteristics on the sound.
  • How to find the sounds you want, quickly.
  • Techniques for quickly shaping sounds to fit your track/ idea.
  • That you need very little knowledge to go a long way.
Gift #3
Value $497

Library with over 10
Masterclasses from
Pro Producers

Interactive Artist Masterclass with top names like Dubfire, Chris Liebing, Nick Muir Jody Wisternoff, Tim Engelhardt, Demuir, Max Chapman and many others. These pros open up their projects live and answer your questions on how they achieve their sound."

All sessions are recorded and when you become a member, you get access to the entire archive.

Join FMM Today

Just $69 p/month

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CLICK HERE TO SAVE $231 when you upgrade to the Annual Plan

Now, one thing I do have to address is that perhaps you’ve been burned in the past by bulky promises and fluffy content that left you with more questions than answers.

To fully remove any risk or doubt that you may have about joining, I’ll give you 90 days, for you to experience FMM for yourself.


All I ask is that you show me that you've done the work, watched all of the videos and followed all of the exercises in the first phase of the program because I don't promise anything without your commitment to show up, take action and trust the process. If after that you still don’t think I’ve delivered on my promises, send an email to our support team to get a full refund.

See what's possible when you join FMM

In Summary

When you join the FMM Membership


  • Core FMM Training System How to implement the FMM System step-by-step
  • The Ultimate Guide to Arranagement Course An in-depth & comprehensive Course to all things arrangement
  • High Impact Sound Design Course Learn the main concepts of sound selection & sound design
  • Workbooks, Templates and Process Maps Downloadable PDF's to support your journey
  • Masterclasses from Pro Producers An archive of track deconstructions with Dubfire, Nick Muir, Jody Wisternoff and many others.
  • Access to the best online community Surround yourself with a group of dedicated music producers
  • Live Q&A Coaching Call every month with Keith Including LIVE track reviews
  • Masterclass Video Training every month In-depth training on specific production topics
  • The FMM Monthly Members Event Get high quality feedback on your music
  • Direct access to our affiliate labels Submit your music for release and the FMM team take care of the process for you

Suitable for users of any DAW including:

Join FMM Today

Just $69 p/month

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CLICK HERE TO SAVE $231 when you upgrade to the Annual Plan

Ready to start creating music on demand?

FMM Training System ($1,997 Value)
Monthly Live Q&A with Keith ($1,197 Value)
Monthly Masterclasses ($1,197 Value)
Monthly Peer Feedback on your music (Priceless)
The Ultimate Arrangement Course ($497 Value)
High Impact Sound Design Course ($147 Value)
Over 10 Pro Masterclasses ($497 Value)
Access to over 70 Affiliate Labels (Priceless)
Private Facebook Community with Access to Keith (Priceless)
Bass Programming Course ($79 Value)
Drum Programming Course ($79 Value)
Synth and Stab Design Course ($89 Value)
Kick Drum Sound Design Course ($39 Value)
Melodies and Riffs Course ($69 Value)
Chords and Harmony Course ($89 Value)
Creative Delays Course ($49 Value)
Ultimate Mixdown Course ($497 Value)
monthly membership


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Most Popular
Annual Membership


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SAVE $231

Value $997

Producer Accelerator Bundle

How often do you find yourself wasting hours searching through Youtube for a specific piece of knowledge only to go off on a tangent and end up getting nothing done.

If you’re like most, Youtube is one of the biggest distractions that stops you from writing music. And when you think about it, there are so many tutorials, many of them created by ‘have a go’ Youtubers, that it’s not only hard to locate what you are looking for, it’s also unreliable.

That’s why I’ve put together 7 courses for you that are professionally recorded with no fluff, just high quality, actionable content.

Think of them as your library that you dip into to find exactly what your music needs and within minutes be back working on your track and moving it towards completion.

When you join FMM today, here’s what you’ll receive:

  • Drum Programming Course Create drum patterns full of life and variation. Change energy levels to drive your music forward and seamlessly move between sections in your arrangement. Add effects to enhance your groove.
  • Bass Programming Course Bass is the beating heart and foundation of every underground dance track, getting it right is vital to a track’s success. Get your listeners to feel the music.
  • Kick Drum Sound Design Course A powerful kick is vital in dance music to drive your track, enhance your bass and punch through the entire mix. Low end is king but it’s also one of the most difficult things to master!
  • Creative Delays Course Do you often listen to your tracks and feel they lack that something special you hear in professional productions? Chances are you need to add movement, dynamics and variation.
  • Chords & Harmonies Course Learn how to make music that touches your listener’s emotions. Create tracks that are dark and edgy or uplifting and euphoric. Make music people will remember.
  • Melodies & Riffs Course Create melodies that will have people humming your tune for days after they hear it. Add tension & release to keep your audience hooked. Learn a unique approach to music theory aimed purely at dance music producers.
  • Synth Stab Sound Design Course Discover the programming secrets used to design synth stabs that punch through your mix, enhance the groove and evolve and add interest to your tracks.
These courses have helped thousands of producers to raise the bar on their music - And I’m giving them to you today as a FREE bonus. But it’s only available today...
→ This bonus is only available to you when you join FMM today.

(It goes away at midnight tonight)!

Value $497

The Ultimate Mixdown

Are you spending more time fussing over mixdown than actually writing music?

And spending hours tweaking and over processing your tracks only to make them sound worse?

And I get it, because there are so many companies pushing an array of new software and courses on you. It’s completely overwhelming.

Well, what if I told you that there are a select few techniques that will take you less than an hour to implement and when you do you’ll achieve a great sounding mix?

And you don’t need any expensive plugins...

Just follow this easy to implement, step by step mixdown training.

In the module you’ll learn:

  • Full overview of the mixdown process along with a workflow that gets your tracks the clarity and punch they need to stand out.
  • How to effectively gain stage to avoid unwanted distortion that muddies up your mix
  • How to balance your track perfectly so your key elements shine and your mix maintains depth
  • How to effectively EQ, Compress, and create a balanced mono / stereo mix
  • How to add a final chain to your master buss to push your track to compete with professionally mixed and mastered tracks
And I’m offering it to you today as a FREE bonus. But it’s available for today only...
→ so JOIN Finish More Music now before you miss out on them!

If you want your music to cut through on any soundsystem, smash it in the clubs and compete with other tracks when you send it to labels, this is for you.

Value $497


Do you have ambitious goals for your music?

Countless studies have shown that individuals who have a clear direction and highly ambitious goals have a far better performance and output rate than those who don’t.

And if you’ve been meandering along your production journey with only a vague idea of what you want to achieve and how to make it happen then chances are that you find yourself stagnating with very little to show for yourself.

And if you’re like most, and the pressure of seeing zero results is mounting up on you, then maybe the panic you feel causes you to rush in an overwhelming number of directions, believing that time spent setting your bearings now and locking in a clear direction, is time that will push you even further back. But let me ask you this

Would you set off into the jungle without a map!?

Or would you devote a few hours first to save you days, weeks, maybe even months later down the line

Well, this is your chances to grab that map for your own unique journey towards your goals in music production.

When you join FMM today you will secure your place on an intimate goal settings masterclass with Keith who will coach you directly to build your ’90 Goal Plan’ for accelerated success.

PLUS you will learn the same repeatable process that Keith uses with his high level mentoring clients who consistently release on top tier labels and build careers in the industry.


Take an exclusive, behind the curtain look at the Full Finish More Music training portal and private coaching community.

Got Any Questions?

How do I know if Finish More Music is the right choice for me?
If you want to start finishing tracks you are proud of and your current approach is leaving you stressed and tired from constantly abandoning your music. Or if you’re dedicated to building a career as a DJ and want to build a quality portfolio of music ready to send to established labels but feel you are running out of time, then FMM is for you. This is a world class system with proven results that will give you everything you need to create the music you aspire to.
Do the video tutorials cater for users of any DAW?
Yes! The techniques and materials are created using basic features available in any DAW. So whatever your preferred DAW, you will always be able to follow the videos without any problem.
Will I have direct access to Keith?
Of course! Finish More Music is Keith’s sole focus, and you will see him every day getting involved in the Facebook Group, answering questions and providing help and support to members. He also runs the monthly Q&A sessions where he provides live answers and feedback to all of your most pressing questions.
Will I get instant access to all the videos?
You will get instant access to the members area where all of the FMM content lives. All videos, mastermind and interviews archive, workbooks, process maps, project books and downloads will be available to you from the get go!
Can I get a refund?
We offer a 90 Day Conditional Guarantee. We do not offer refunds. All I require is that you've COMPLETED the first phase of the course (Ignite), submitted your workbooks, and participated in two Members Events. This is my commitment to you. I want there to be NO RISK whatsoever when you decide to join FMM! Please see our Terms & Conditions for details.
How do I cancel my membership?
Our most successful members thrive on the ongoing support and guidance that the community provides, and the longer you stay, the more likely you are to reach your goals consistently. However, you can cancel at any time after 12 months by contacting our support team, and your membership will be cancelled as soon as your current membership period comes to an end.
Can you guarantee results when I become a member?
At the end of the day, only one person can guarantee results: YOU! It is the action that you choose to take that will decide your results. At Finish More Music, you will get everything you need to make that happen, including the training, community, coaching and accountability that will help you to succeed in writing the music you aspire to.

Join FMM Today

Just $69 p/month

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